
Aquascape’s vision focuses on an ecosystem approach to water features that relies on the most natural balance of circulation, filtration, plants, fish, and rocks and gravel to ensure sustainability.

Listed are just some of the benefits of Aquascape water features:

  • Inventor of the low-maintenance ecosystem pond, which is the # 1 contractor-installed water garden.
  • Products are field-tested before going to market.
  • Professionally-installed and do-it-yourself water feature products are available.
  • Commitment to the environment, as evidenced by Aquascape’s recent achievement of receiving Silver-level LEED® (Leadership in Energy and
  • Environmental Design) certification for its corporate headquarters.
  • Premium products in consumer-friendly packaging with complete installation instructions.
  • Extensively trained staff.
  • Ongoing field and research development to bring the best quality products to market.
  • Residential and commercial applications are available, from the smallest water feature to the most advanced.

Going Green

Aquascape’s vision focuses on an ecosystem approach to water features that relies on the most natural balance of circulation, filtration, plants, fish, and rocks and gravel to ensure sustainability. As a natural evolution, Aquascape strengthens and cultivates its commitment to the environment and the responsible use of water.

Water is our planet’s greatest resource and Aquascape is dedicated to providing natural, responsible, and creative landscape solutions. In 2008 we focused on a business strategy that is fully committed to environmental sustainability. In addition to our ecosystem pond philosophy, Aquascape extols the therapeutic benefits of the water gardening lifestyle and current research confirms and strengthens that position.

The release of the preliminary Sustainable Sites Initiative report in November 2007 affirmed that “natural environments play an important role in enhancing human health and well-being.” The report further states that managed natural elements attract customers, improve real estate values, and attract customers, among other benefits. 

The Sustainable Sites Initiative’s benchmarks as listed in its 2008 Guidelines and Performance Benchmarks Report are “designed to preserve or restore a site’s sustainability within the context of ecosystem services–the idea that healthy ecosystems provide goods and services of benefit to humans and other organisms.”

Mainstream organizations embrace Aquascape’s ecosystem philosophy. Aquascape currently provides ecological solutions for wetland restoration and storm water management in numerous locations, and is poised to further expand its environmental position through new product development initiatives.

New product development remains at the forefront of Aquascape’s environmental and business strategy. Environmentally-focused, innovative products are currently being developed and tested. The intelligent use of water is being addressed so companies and consumers alike can face challenges associated with drought and rain water run-off.